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moonlight flit restart my life 

夜逃げ屋 jōhatsu


Shoot the moon

top secret call sign japan yonigeya 




A phenomenon in which villagers who have become unable to live due to the strict collection of annual tax (tax) sneak out of the village and start a new life. This is called the beginning of {night escape yonige}. Disappearing from a place of residence without permission was 
kakeoti at the time.

In order to prevent such omissions, the shogunate creates jinbetsucho (residence records) and manages the villagers, but there is no end to those who escape from the village. The shogunate imposed penalties and launched a "five-person group system" in which villagers manage villagers, and took strong measures, but the increase in omissions did not stop and the shogunate was troubled. Hundreds of years later, the land tax disappeared, and at the same time the tax system changed, the samurai also disappeared from Japan. Japan was about to enter a new era.

jōhatsu yonige history this is a true story in japan

Samurai certainly existed in this drama Dating back over 300 years 



To suddenly disappear, to disappear without anyone knowing. And disappearing like water vapor is called evaporatio(jōhatsu) or  secret move yonige  in Japan.
And those who and company support the night escape
In Japan, we call it a  (yonigeya)

Emergency Evacuation Area


         shoot the moon -緊急避難-And 300 years passed




離婚 別居 退職 退学そしてストーカー、家庭内暴力、そしてクリック詐欺や、トイチ金融の被害に合う等など思いもよらぬトラブルに巻き込まれてしまうこともあるのです。



Even though people's lives have changed with the times, there are still many things that are beyond the reach of the judiciary and unreasonable.

Moving is a turning point in life, when you enter a new life in a new environment.
Sometimes the gears of life get out of order, divorce, separation, retirement, withdrawal from school, stalking, domestic violence, etc., and sometimes you get caught up in unexpected troubles.
For a variety of reasons, there are also those who move out of their own free will and involuntarily.

There are also requests from lawyers and governments from the viewpoint of victim relief, and sometimes moving is done to escape personal danger. There are also emergency evacuations such as moving in the middle of the night and escaping at night.



special mission
The command code is the call sign

​レベル5 指令コードはコールサイン 
top secret  The command code is the call sign


Making full use of various techniques
Protect the client

進学 就職 結婚など人生の門出を祝う一方、ストーカー, 家庭内暴力、思いもよらぬ事件などのトラブルに巻き込まれた人々を助けたい。そんな思いの中、秘密の引越 ミッドナイト便はスタート。NPO団体などの活動が少なく、シェルターや、ストーカー規制法も完全に機能することがなかった1991年より悩める方々をサポート。緻密な計画を立て、ダミーのトラックを使い 時にはボディガードを配置し業務を遂行。あらゆるテクニックを駆使し依頼者を守りながら、 確実に大切な荷物も届けるという


While celebrating new beginnings in life, such as going on to higher education, getting a job, and getting married, I want to help people who are involved in troubles such as stalkers, domestic violence, and unexpected incidents. With that thought in mind, the secret move Midnight Flight started. Since 1991, when there were few NPOs and other activities, and shelters and stalking regulations did not fully function, we have been supporting people who are suffering. Dummy trucks are used to make detailed plans, and sometimes bodyguards are deployed to carry out the work. While protecting the client by making full use of all techniques, we will surely deliver important packages to the client. 10 years until the end of business, About 1,000 consultations were received, and among them, the most urgent and urgent ones were called call signs.


Re start my life 

that we existed. There was a culture unique to Japan called night escape, We also believe that it is our mission to tell and leave as a record.



plan ミーティング


(取材掲載) ​アメリカ フランス ドイツ イタリア 日本 
​"Media coverage"  French  German Italy  Japan








再スタート それが夜逃げなのです

      I want to be happy this time. Such a thought.  There are people who           restart with all the effort. In order not to repeat the same mistake again

                              Restart: That's the moonlight flit

マスコミ関係者 NPO法人 各種保護団体 女性団体のご担当者様へ

離婚 別居 退職 退学 ストーカー、家庭内暴力、詐欺被害など、1000件に渡る相談と、

講演会のほか、各種取材・メディア出演・各種原案原作協力 等、

Divorce Separation Retirement Withdrawal Stalking, domestic violence, victims of fraud, etc. We will teach you the experiences of people who have started afresh, including the actual experience of running away at night. I hope that many people will understand that running away is not cowardly, but that it is an emergency evacuation and a fresh start to rebuild the future.

Lectures In addition to speeches, please feel free to contact us for requests for appearances such as various interviews, media appearances, original draft cooperation, etc.

(担当 Responsible/ 元夜逃げ屋 TAKEON  CEO /   Show) 
contact Interview Appointment


お問い合わせ contact Interview Appointment


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